Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday July 30th


Ah but it is so lovely out there today. One client down and one to go for today, it is going to be a really good day. I get to enjoy my family tonight. We are having a family Birthday Celebration at the Summer Shack Restaurant for dinner tonight. Happy Birthday Tim! You are a welcomed addition to the family and we love you. So tonight I get to dress up in really grown up clothes, not my daily scrubs and be me, how fun is that. It is going to be a nice night so we may stroll around after dinner too. I do so enjoy being with my family, they are so grown up, so independent and such good kids. I am proud of them all.

Alas I am working the week end shift Saturday and Sunday but that is OK, I have had the last three week ends off. It is only fair.

The weather has broken from that oppressive heat and humidity, thank feels like heaven out there. How enjoyable is that. I plan on going to walk Wollaston Beach once I am done here really appreciate it.

I am doing much better, I got a second opinion on my knee, no surgery for me. That is good news, I got a totally different opinion of the situation and am happy to explore alternatives. So far the pain is a great deal less and we are working on making it being much better. Never take the opinion of one doctor or even two from the same office, seek someone outside for another opinion. It may work out for the best for me. That is not to say that down the road some day I may need a knee replacement, but right now, no surgery is better in my opinion.

Well folks, enjoy life to its fullest, live laugh and love like there is no tomorrow. Live in the moment, do not take anything for granted.

SC I got your card, thanks. You need to stay focused on the positive as far as your health issues. This too will get better, not easy, I know.

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