Monday, July 5, 2010



What a busy few days we had. I planned on doing not much but what is they say, the best laid plans etc...So we managed to move book cases around, rearrange the spare room and so much more. It is those little things that take time that never show. I took a screw driver to all my kitchen cabinets and tightened the handles, simple enough but I just never took the time to do it. We bought new Smoke carbon monoxide detectors and better yet he installed them already too. See what I mean about those silly household things that do not show but need to be done. It feels good. I made new desert with home made vanilla wafers, home made pudding and built a desert with them and a little banana liqueur and bananas. Oh so yummy. I built it sort of like a trifle, I made three small ones. I will give one to Cara and Tim, one is made without bananas for Ian and the other one is for us. Larry made some delicious Gazpacho Soup, it tasted so good today since it was so hot outside. We are having an easy dinner of simply BLT's.

I did work today, tomorrow everyone else will be back to work too. All is very well.

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