Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 8th, 2008

Just an update with some news. I am so honored to say that we have collected over our 100 quilts to go to the Soldiers Angels Quilts Organization. No other shop in New England even came close to us. The help and donations of so many quilts show what wonderful people I am blessed to know. Thanks to one and all who helped make this come true and for the donations to help defray costs. If there are any other quilts yet to be turned in, you have until October 15th, next Tuesday to do so.

I will be closed tomorrow Thursday, October 9th all day as my Dear Aunt passed away. It is a blessing but will leave an emptiness in my heart. Bea was an amazing woman and did it her way till the end.

This is the Holiday week end, I will be open this Friday from 9:00 - 3:00. There will be no Guild Meeting this month. I will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I will be back to regular store hours as of Tuesday.

I will be off for some fun and relaxation with my sister Susan and my daughter Cara to New Hampshire and hope to see some great fall foliage, take some great pictures with my love of photography. I have joined the South Shore Camera Club and have entered my very first competition. I may never be as good as Larry but we can have a lot of fun! Everyone must expand there horizons, this will be fun!

My last words are from the heart. Life is too short live well, laugh often and love with all your heart.