Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween !

Good Morning Ladies,

What a magnificent fall day today is. The air is crisp, the leaves crunch under your feet as your walking, the sun is out and it is a magnificent day in New England. Can you tell how much I love our seasons.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Block A Month. I cannot believe we are in our eleventh month, one more to go and we would have finished another year of this. I want to point out that this is such a large quilt that you may consider making it two quilts instead of one large one. This will make two good sized lap size quilts. Just a thought.

Guild is not next Friday it is the Friday after. The second Friday in November is the 14th. I will be giving out the last two installments of the Mystery Quilt Directions. Decembers meeting will be our holiday party. This in the past has always been a fun night. We will have a Yankee swap again. The limit is $20.00 and must be a quilt related item, it can be bought or made. I will supply the bags. It will be our usual pot luck dinner and I am sure with all our good cooks out there the food will be wonderful. Larry and I will supply the paper goods and drinks. It is always a fun night.

We still have openings in our Lasagna Class, with the cost of the class you get the following: pre cut strips in your favorite colorway for a good lap sized quilt, a home cooked lasagna, salad and rolls, instructions for completing you quilt top. In this class you should be able to complete your quilt top and have fun in the mean time. Grab a friend and come on in. You must sign up at least a week in advance so we can pre cut your fabrics for you.

Button Contest
The winner of our Button Contest was Janet Gallagher who guessed 1696, we actually had 1693, Wow amazing to get that close. She not only won all the buttons but won a free class.

Key Tag Drawing
The winner of the key tag drawing was Jean Baker who will get to use $25.00 towards a class or non sale merchandise.

Congratulations to them both.

Have a Wonderful Fall Day, get out there, breath in the fresh air, enjoy life, each day is a gift that should be enjoyed and appreciated to its fullest.

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