Saturday, September 26, 2009

Oh What A Beautiful Morning !

Oh what a beautiful day, I've got a wonderful feeling, eveythings going my way.

What a pretty fall day today is. Larry and I are heading out with our cameras of course, to go hiking. Who knew I would like being in the woods so much. I may be slightly exaggerating the hiking part, it will be more like a lovely walk in the woods. We will be heading to a new Park to go exploring this morning. The sun is up, the sky is blue with puffy white clouds, the air is cool, the leaves are starting to change colors sounds like a perfect fall day to me.

I will once again take a quote from my Dove Dark Chocolate Candies I like so much. The one I ate yesterday said this inside: Blessings only come to those who notice. How true is that. So open your eyes and your heart today and do something good for yourself or someone special. I know I am going to enjoy life to its fullest.

As for work, I am back to it and enjoying my new clients. It is working out very well, I like having a permanent schedule so this way I can make plans. Camera club is wonderful we have started up again after being off for the summer. Larry is now the President for the next two years, Yeah Larry, he has many wonderful field trips planned and I know it will be another good year.

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