Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday and Sunny

Hi All,

I am thankful for it being Saturday and for seeing the sun. I am so in need of a week end to catch up around the house. I am now starting to put my house back together again. We have done some major renovating and it is looking so much nicer. I am slowly bringing down an armful of "stuff" and deciding keep it or toss it. Can I tell you how empowering it is to just toss it. Clutter, that is what my life had become. Well ladies I am now making great strides in decluttering and letting go. It feels great. If you do not use it, or have not used it in five years in all likely hood you really do not need it. I am generating a lot of trash and dropping of items in donation boxes all over town. At least it is leaving my house. Larry is a little concerned he may go next, no way, he is a keeper. He is stuck with me.

So think of me today, smiling and cleaning. I love my house as much as the day I bought it. I guess I love it more now because I appreciate it when I have the time to actually stay home, to putter or sit on my porch and read my book.

Twenty one days till we leave for Italy. Yeah Me!

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